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JavaScript SDK Intro

Flowmap City offers a JavaScript SDK for embedding into custom applications

SQL editor button

Click on the screenshot to Try it live

Plain JS Example

Here's a minimal plain HTML/JS example:

<script type="module">
import {FlowmapCity} from "";

// The URL must be CORS-enabled (if not on the same domain as the app)
const BASE_URL = "https://<BASE-URL-FOR-DATA-FILES>";

new FlowmapCity({
container: document.getElementById("flowmap-city-container"),
config: {
dataSources: [
// Currently .csv, .json and .parquet files are supported
type: "url",
tableName: "locations",
url: `${BASE_URL}/locations.parquet`,
type: "url",
tableName: "flows",
url: `${BASE_URL}/flows.parquet`,
views: [
id: "flowmap",
type: "od-flowmap",
columnMapping: {
locations: {
tableName: "locations",
columns: {id: "id", name: "name", lat: "lat", lon: "lon"},
flows: {
tableName: "flows",
columns: {origin: "origin", dest: "dest", count: "count"},

<div id="flowmap-city-container" />

Reach out to us at [email protected] to get a trial access token.

Usage with npm

To use as an npm module:

npm install @flowmapcity/sdk

then import:

import {FlowmapCity} from "@flowmapcity/sdk";

More Examples

You can find use this example React application as a guide.

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