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-- read a CSV file into the lineitem table - using auto-detected options
COPY lineitem FROM 'lineitem.csv' (AUTO_DETECT TRUE);
-- read a parquet file into the lineitem table
COPY lineitem FROM 'lineitem.pq' (FORMAT PARQUET);
-- read a json file into the lineitem table - using auto-detected options
COPY lineitem FROM 'lineitem.json' (FORMAT JSON, AUTO_DETECT TRUE);

-- write a table to a CSV file
COPY lineitem TO 'lineitem.csv' (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER '|', HEADER);
-- write the result of a query to a Parquet file
COPY (SELECT l_orderkey, l_partkey FROM lineitem) TO 'lineitem.parquet' (COMPRESSION ZSTD);

Copy Statements

COPY moves data between DuckDB and external files. COPY ... FROM imports data into DuckDB from an external file. COPY ... TO writes data from DuckDB to an external file. The COPY command can be used for CSV, PARQUET and JSON files.

Copy From

COPY ... FROM imports data from an external file into an existing table. The data is appended to whatever data is in the table already. The amount of columns inside the file must match the amount of columns in the table table_name, and the contents of the columns must be convertible to the column types of the table. In case this is not possible, an error will be thrown.

If a list of columns is specified, COPY will only copy the data in the specified columns from the file. If there are any columns in the table that are not in the column list, COPY ... FROM will insert the default values for those columns

-- Copy the contents of a comma-separated file 'test.csv' without a header into the table 'test'
COPY test FROM 'test.csv';
-- Copy the contents of a comma-separated file with a header into the 'category' table
COPY category FROM 'categories.csv' ( HEADER );
-- Copy the contents of 'lineitem.tbl' into the 'lineitem' table, where the contents are delimited by a pipe character ('|')
COPY lineitem FROM 'lineitem.tbl' ( DELIMITER '|' );
-- Copy the contents of 'lineitem.tbl' into the 'lineitem' table, where the delimiter, quote character, and presence of a header are automatically detected
COPY lineitem FROM 'lineitem.tbl' ( AUTO_DETECT TRUE );
-- Read the contents of a comma-separated file 'names.csv' into the 'name' column of the 'category' table. Any other columns of this table are filled with their default value.
COPY category(name) FROM 'names.csv';
-- Read the contents of a parquet file 'lineitem.parquet' into the lineitem table
COPY lineitem FROM 'lineitem.parquet' ( FORMAT PARQUET );
-- Read the contents of a newline-delimited json file 'lineitem.ndjson' into the lineitem table
COPY lineitem FROM 'lineitem.ndjson' ( FORMAT JSON );
-- Read the contents of a json file 'lineitem.json' into the lineitem table
COPY lineitem FROM 'lineitem.json' ( FORMAT JSON, ARRAY TRUE );


Copy To

COPY ... TO exports data from DuckDB to an external CSV or Parquet file. It has mostly the same set of options as COPY ... FROM, however, in the case of COPY ... TO the options specify how the file should be written to disk. Any file created by COPY ... TO can be copied back into the database by using COPY ... FROM with a similar set of options.

The COPY ... TO function can be called specifying either a table name, or a query. When a table name is specified, the contents of the entire table will be written into the resulting file. When a query is specified, the query is executed and the result of the query is written to the resulting file.

-- Copy the contents of the 'lineitem' table to the file 'lineitem.tbl', where the columns are delimited by a pipe character ('|'), including a header line.
COPY lineitem TO 'lineitem.tbl' ( DELIMITER '|', HEADER );
-- Copy the l_orderkey column of the 'lineitem' table to the file 'orderkey.tbl'
COPY lineitem(l_orderkey) TO 'orderkey.tbl' ( DELIMITER '|' );
-- Copy the result of a query to the file 'query.csv', including a header with column names
COPY (SELECT 42 AS a, 'hello' AS b) TO 'query.csv' WITH (HEADER 1, DELIMITER ',');
-- Copy the result of a query to the Parquet file 'query.parquet'
COPY (SELECT 42 AS a, 'hello' AS b) TO 'query.parquet' (FORMAT PARQUET);
-- Copy the result of a query to the newline-delimited JSON file 'query.ndjson'
COPY (SELECT 42 AS a, 'hello' AS b) TO 'query.ndjson' (FORMAT JSON);
-- Copy the result of a query to the JSON file 'query.json'
COPY (SELECT 42 AS a, 'hello' AS b) TO 'query.json' (FORMAT JSON, ARRAY TRUE);


Copy Options

Zero or more copy options may be provided as a part of the copy operation. The WITH specifier is optional, but if any options are specified, the parentheses are required. Parameter values can be passed in with or without wrapping in single quotes.

Any option that is a boolean can be enabled or disabled in multiple ways. You can write TRUE, ON, or 1 to enable the option, and FALSE, OFF, or 0 to disable it. The boolean value can also be omitted, in which case TRUE is assumed.

The below options are applicable to all formats written with COPY.

allow_overwriteWhether or not to allow overwriting a directory if one already exists. Only has an effect when used with partition_by.boolfalse
formatSpecifies the copy function to use. The default is selected from the file extension (e.g. .parquet results in a Parquet file being written/read). If the file extension is unknown CSV is selected. Available options are CSV, PARQUET and JSON.varcharauto
partition_byThe columns to partition by using a hive partitioning scheme, see the partitioned writes section.varchar[](empty)
per_thread_outputGenerate one file per thread, rather than one file in total. This allows for faster parallel writing.boolfalse
use_tmp_fileWhether or not to write to a temporary file first if the original file exists (target.csv.tmp). This prevents overwriting an existing file with a broken file in case the writing is cancelled.boolauto

CSV Options

The below options are applicable when writing CSV files.

compressionThe compression type for the file. By default this will be detected automatically from the file extension (e.g. file.csv.gz will use gzip, file.csv will use none). Options are none, gzip, zstd.varcharauto
force_quoteThe list of columns to always add quotes to, even if not required.varchar[][]
dateformatSpecifies the date format to use when writing dates. See Date Formatvarchar(empty)
delim or sepThe character that is written to separate columns within each row.varchar,
escapeThe character that should appear before a character that matches the quote value.varchar"
headerWhether or not to write a header for the CSV file.boolfalse
nullstrThe string that is written to represent a NULL value.varchar(empty)
quoteThe quoting character to be used when a data value is quoted.varchar"
timestampformatSpecifies the date format to use when writing timestamps. See Date Formatvarchar(empty)

Parquet Options

The below options are applicable when writing Parquet files.

compressionThe compression format to use (uncompressed, snappy, gzip or zstd).varcharsnappy
row_group_sizeThe target size of each row-group.bigint122880
field_idsThe field_id for each column. Pass auto to attempt to infer automatically.struct(empty)

Some examples of FIELD_IDS are:

-- Assign field_ids automatically
TO 'my.parquet' (FIELD_IDS 'auto');
-- Sets the field_id of column 'i' to 42
TO 'my.parquet' (FIELD_IDS {i: 42});
-- Sets the field_id of column 'i' to 42, and column 'j' to 43
COPY (SELECT 128 AS i, 256 AS j)
TO 'my.parquet' (FIELD_IDS {i: 42, j: 43});
-- Sets the field_id of column 'my_struct' to 43,
-- and column 'i' (nested inside 'my_struct') to 43
COPY (SELECT {i: 128} AS my_struct)
TO 'my.parquet' (FIELD_IDS {my_struct: {__duckdb_field_id: 42, i: 43}});
-- Sets the field_id of column 'my_list' to 42,
-- and column 'element' (default name of list child) to 43
COPY (SELECT [128, 256] AS my_list)
TO 'my.parquet' (FIELD_IDS {my_list: {__duckdb_field_id: 42, element: 43}});
-- Sets the field_id of colum 'my_map' to 42,
-- and columns 'key' and 'value' (default names of map children) to 43 and 44
COPY (SELECT map {'key1' : 128, 'key2': 256} my_map)
TO 'my.parquet' (FIELD_IDS {my_map: {__duckdb_field_id: 42, key: 43, value: 44}});

JSON Options

The below options are applicable when writing JSON files.

compressionThe compression type for the file. By default this will be detected automatically from the file extension (e.g. file.csv.gz will use gzip, file.csv will use none). Options are none, gzip, zstd.varcharauto
dateformatSpecifies the date format to use when writing dates. See Date Formatvarchar(empty)
timestampformatSpecifies the date format to use when writing timestamps. See Date Formatvarchar(empty)
arrayWhether to write a JSON array. If true, a JSON array of records is written, if false, newline-delimited JSON is writtenboolfalse